Attachment Style Quiz

Have you ever wondered why you fall head over heels for a new partner, go all-in on new friendships, or are a bit more guarded in how you approach these relationships? It’s all about your relationship attachment style! Take our fun, insightful, quick, 5-minute  attachment style quiz to discover whether you have a secure, anxious, avoidant, or ambivalent style of attachment.

Attachment Style Quiz

Take this 5-minute attachment style quiz and then come back here to find out what your results mean!

Take our Attachment Style Quiz!

  • Understand how you show up and interact with others
  • Gain more perspective on where you lean in the spectrum of attachment
girl with beanie sending a kiss over a phone call attachment love addiciton

While You Wait For Your Results

After you’ve submitted your quiz and you’re waiting for those results to pop up in your inbox, check out these pages to learn more about the different ways people connect and how to develop the healthiest attachments.

Interpreting Your Attachment Style Results

Based on your quiz results, you may primarily identify as having a secure, anxious, avoidant, or ambivalent attachment style. Depending on who you’re with, you may attach using different styles. One attachment style isn’t necessarily better than another, However, knowing what attachment style you frequently use will help you understand yourself better, and you can begin to work on learning how to attach to others in a healthier way.

What Your Attachment Style Means
Your Style What It Means What It Means
  • You are confident and comfortable in your relationships.
  • You trust yourself.
  • You communicate openly.
  • You have appropriate boundaries.
  • You maintain a healthy balance of independence and closeness.
  • Love feels safe and fulfilling!
  • Connect with other attachment styles
  • Set healthy boundaries
  • Remain healthy when you’re surrounded by challenging people
  • You’re often worried about your relationships.
  • You crave constant reassurance.
  • You might fear abandonment.
  • You overthink your partner’s actions (leading to heightened emotional intensity).
  • It can be emotionally draining for others when your anxiety gets in the way.
  • Learn to trust yourself
  • Learn to think before you react
  • Calm your nervous system
  • Set healthy boundaries
  • Not ruminate and obsess so much
  • Not depend on others to create your happiness
  • Be alone and feel safe
  • You value independence.
  • You often keep your emotional distance in relationships.
  • You might struggle with intimacy.
  • You prefer to stay self-sufficient and avoid vulnerability.
  • You keep a protective barrier around your heart.
  • You keep others at arm’s length to maintain your sense of control and freedom.
  • Set healthy boundaries
  • Engage and not quiet your voice
  • Stay in the conversation and not run
  • Not engage in self-destructive behavior from feeling engulfed
  • Be connected to others and feel safe
  • You are often caught in an emotional tug-of-war.
  • This is sometimes called an anxious-avoidant style.
  • You crave closeness but also fear rejection, leading to intense, fluctuating feelings.
  • Relationships feel like a rollercoaster, with high highs and low lows.
  • You’re highly sensitive to your partner’s actions.
  • You seek reassurance but sometimes push them away (creating a dynamic of uncertainty and mixed signals).
  •  Get out of the “Come here – Go away” pattern
  • Get clarity from confusion
  • Not rely on other people to have the answers for you
  • Set healthy boundaries
  • Take action when it matters
  • Not worry so much about what other people think

Transform Your Relationships With PIVOT

Worried about the results of your attachment style quiz? Attachment styles aren’t set in stone—you can change how you approach relationships with the help of dedicated relationship coaches.

PIVOT offers transformative attachment style retreats to support you in building healthier connections. Join our small group workshops at the beautiful Glass House in Northern California to learn new attachment behaviors and begin fostering stronger bonds with your loved ones.

Prefer a more private approach? We offer personalized PIVOT sessions and relationship coaching for individuals, couples, or adult families to dig deeper into relationship dynamics. Our services are flexible, so you can work at a pace that suits you. We’re here to help every step of the way!

Reach out to us at 1-855-452-0707 to begin the journey to a healthier, happier life.

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