Emotional Effects of Stonewalling

Conflicts in their many forms have been and will be an integral part of human experience. From night-time stories to history books to current events, our existence is littered with major disputes and minor disagreements, petty squabbles and serious differences...

Reaction Formation: The Origin, Good, & Bad Aspects

Our lives are interwoven with different experiences, each unique and special in its own right. Every scenario evokes different emotions, builds up memories, and forms our thoughts and behavioral patterns. Some we can view as inherently good. Others, not so...

Reaction Formation & Repression: What Is the Difference?

As each of us walks our path through life, we often encounter uncomfortable situations that test our emotional ability to cope well with difficulties and challenge our mental strength. Sometimes, we endure these trials, pushing forward with sheer determination and...

Commitment Issues: What They Look Like

Commitment is one of the crucial characteristics that separate children from adults. We start learning about commitment and responsibility at an early age. Some parents ask their children to clean their rooms, take care of their pets or do various...

Emotional Detachment: Causes & Signs

We are creatures of emotion. Feelings are a driving force behind most every action we take. They are the light that guides us through life. They are the very basis of our interactions with the world and, especially, the people...

Stonewalling: How to Deal With It

Have you ever been in a situation where you were trying to communicate with someone and they completely shut down? Where, no matter how hard you try, which angle you take, and how you choose to approach the discussion you...

Reaction Formation: How To Detect It

Human beings possess the vast ability to form emotions and thoughts that “complex” doesn’t even begin to describe, let alone explain. Still, along with our incredible ability to think and feel, another trait that defines us as “human” is our...

What Are Emotions? Understanding & Regulating Feelings

Research suggests that emotions play a crucial role in shaping our experiences and behavior in daily life and they play a BIG role in how we show up in relationships. Emotions are psychological states that involve subjective feelings, physiological changes,...

Top 10 Defense Mechanisms and Why We Use Them

We've all heard of defense mechanisms, but what exactly are they? Defense mechanisms are the ways we deal with anxiety-provoking and stressful situations. They're subconscious coping mechanisms that help us preserve an individual's emotional stability and well-being. While they can...

Parental Separation And Children’s Relationships

A link between adverse childhood experiences and various physical, emotional, and mental health challenges in adulthood was established long ago and is well documented. Childhood adversity is generally linked to multiple difficulties in adult life, even when it's not as...

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