Getting Along With Your Partner’s Friends

Being in a thriving relationship doesn’t only come down to finding a compatible partner. Relationships can become complicated by other people around you, including your friend group.  Most people feel an intense kinship to their friends and trust them without...

Ghosting In Dating: What It Is & How To Handle It

Online dating has opened up new opportunities. However, it’s also made the modern dating world more complex. While dating apps provide the opportunity to meet a wider range of people, they also bring some unique challenges of their own. One...

Transitioning Into Marriage: Are You Ready?

OK, so you’ve been in a relationship for some time. There comes a point when you or your partner start thinking about taking the next step. When this happens, you’re either ready or you’re not.  And, that is true for...

Breadcrumbs In Dating: What It Is & How To Deal With It

While it has become easier to connect to more people than ever thanks to the unprecedented popularity of online dating, many of the intricacies of the dating world nowadays leave people perplexed. Breadcrumbing is a particularly hurtful behavior that you...

In A Relationship & Thinking About Someone Else: What To Do?

Relationships face many challenges over the years. While infidelity can definitely be the death of a relationship, can thinking about another person have the same effect? If you’re in a committed relationship and you’re trying to make sense of your...

How Your Relationship Affects Your Personality

Partners grow and change throughout their relationship and their personalities evolve over time. Romantic relationships are a big part of everyone’s life, so it’s only natural for them to shape people in major ways. Since you share so much of...

The Importance Of Dating In Your Relationship

The longer you’re in your relationship and the more you’re feeling the love and the security from your partner, the easier it is to allow your relationship to grow a bit stale. And that’s all normal at one point or...

Why Is Support In A Relationship Essential?

Sometimes, support and understanding are all we need from our partner. It’s easier to experience life's lows if there’s someone to give you compassion, active listening, and empathy. On the other hand, if the support’s absent and nowhere to be...

How To Rekindle Your Relationship Passion

Many couples experience the ups and downs of passion in their relationships. It’s virtually impossible to experience a long-term relationship without also experiencing the times of intense passion and the times when that passion is lacking a bit. However, not...

How to Say “No” In Your Relationship

If we’re being completely honest, we rarely like hearing the word “no” ourselves, especially from our partner – the one person in the world who’s there to have our back and support us. However, that’s not exactly the right way...

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