Confidence & Relationships: Why Is It Important?

Confidence is important for both your personal growth and your relationship. When the exciting initial period of your relationship starts to fade, and you begin to come together in a more realistic manner, it’s easy to lose your confidence.  However,...

How Personal Growth Benefits Relationships

Personal growth can be rewarding and challenging.   When you are in a relationship, it is easy to dedicate yourself to your significant other, sometimes neglecting yourself in the process. However, focusing solely on your relationship can end up doing...

Communicating About Sex In A Relationship

Sex is one of the most intimate, life-affirming acts that people can share. It has the power to strengthen your bond with your partner and help you grow your relationship. Although many people subscribe to the romanticized notion that partners...

Unrequited Love: How To Cope With It & Let Go

Most people have experienced unreciprocated romantic feelings at least once in their lives. It’s a perfectly normal part of everyone’s romantic history. However, it can be very difficult to deal with while you’re in the midst of it. Romantic longing...

Reciprocity In Love: What It Is & Why It’s Important

Every individual needs and deserves to be on an equal footing with their romantic partner. This is when you can truly thrive as a person and feel confident in both yourself and your romantic bond. However, relationships often tip to...

Shame In A Relationship: How Does It Affect You & Your Partner?

There’s no shame in experiencing shame. This is the first thing to tell yourself if you’re constantly struggling with this feeling in your relationship. And that’s a good start. It's invigorating and motivating to know that you’re not guilty for...

Inner Strength: What It Is & How To Build It

There’s no such thing as a strong person or a weak person. We’re all weak and we’re all strong. We all cry and we all smile. No one is universally just one thing and the world and the people in...

The Importance & Role of Self-Awareness

It becomes oh so easy to allow your own self-awareness to be on the back burner and end up focused on everyone else except yourself. Many of us spend time perceiving ourselves through the eyes of our friends, family, society,...

Unspoken Communication In Romantic Relationships

Lately, you seem to be noticing that something’s off. You don’t know what it is, you can’t pinpoint the exact reason, yet something just doesn’t feel like it used to. Doesn’t feel quite right. There are no visible problems, you...

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