What Is Trauma Bonding And How Does It Happen?

Have you ever seen a friend or a family member struggle in a relationship and wondered why they still chose to stay? Did it seem unreasonable? It tends to be much easier to detect an abusive relationship from the outside....

Reparenting Your Inner Child: What Is It All About?

You’ve probably encountered the phrase “inner child” thrown around on the internet or your social circle. And there is a good reason for that. While the concept may seem cliché, it is a simple, yet useful idea to understand and...

Are Some People Meant To Be Single?

Not everybody experiences relationships in the same way. While some people find intimacy and romance to be effortless and filled with joy, others struggle to make romantic relationships work. If you’ve given relationships a try however they haven't worked, you...

Is Honesty Always The Best Policy?

Most people would probably agree that being honest and authentic in your romantic relationship is crucial for nurturing a lasting bond. In fact, a great deal of intimacy problems in a relationship can be resolved with open communication and a...

Integrity In Relationships: Why It Matters

In order for an intimate relationship to be successful, some compromise is often necessary. When a relationship is based on fairness, open communication, and trust, both partners are likely to feel heard, valued, and secure. However, it is not uncommon...

Relationship Affection: How Important Is It?

Being affectionate, loving, and caring in your relationship is a vital aspect of it that, when lacking, can not only cause other problems to appear, such as experiencing profound relationship sadness or being part of an increasingly apathetic relationship. And...

Unhappy Relationships: When Is The Time To Give Up?

Have you ever asked yourself, "Why am I unhappy in my relationship?" Unhappiness in a relationship takes on many forms and originates for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, couples find themselves in unhappy relationships because they feel bored, or because both partners...

Apathy In Relationships: Causes & Solutions

Have you lost interest in things you once used to enjoy? Do you feel like you have no motivation to do anything in your life?  It is perfectly normal to experience bouts of apathy every once in a while, but...

Empathy: All You Need To Know

Depending on who you ask, it’s likely that you’ll run into a number of different definitions of empathy. Still, most of them would agree to the following statement, or at least a variation of it: Empathy can be defined as...

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