Codependents & Their Struggle For Power & Control

The term codependency refers to a relationship that revolves around unhealthy helping dynamics. A person with codependency tends to struggle with setting healthy personal boundaries, low self-esteem, and poor emotional regulation, as well as self-blame. All of these behavioral patterns...

Stonewalling: What Is It & How Can I Deal With It?

Relationships are difficult. They require determination, honesty, and continuous communication in order to last. But what if your partner refuses to speak and cooperate with you, not wanting to deal with the issues present in the relationship?  This is known...

Codependents & Boundaries: Why Do They Struggle?

If you’ve been taught to disregard your own needs and instead focus on meeting the needs of others ever since your childhood, there is a good chance that you have developed at least some codependent traits. As a codependent, you...

Overcoming Your Fear Of Commitment

Being in a relationship is difficult. Sometimes, even excruciatingly so, as not all relationships are loving, caring, and nurturing. However, refusing to open up and allowing yourself to get close to someone, and others to get close to you is...

Dealing With The Harshness Of Rejection

All of us want and need to feel accepted, loved, and cared for. It is one of the basic psychological necessities of human existence that start in childhood, and follow us to and through adulthood.  That is why experiencing any...

The Battle For Power & Control In Relationships

Power and control are often present in most relationships, even if we may not be always aware of their influence. The need to control and exert power over other people and the environment is a natural human instinct. Unfortunately, the...

How To Detect & Deal With Emotional Manipulation

Most healthy relationships are based on intimacy, trust, and mutual understanding. Unfortunately, some individuals exploit these aspects of a healthy relationship in order to exert power and control over their partner.  Emotional manipulation comes in many forms, many of which...

Abandonment Issues & Their Effect On Relationships

As children, we all need to feel loved and cared for by our parents and caregivers. We carry these emotional needs into adulthood, too, seeking emotional intimacy and closeness in our relationships. Unfortunately, not everybody receives the love and support...

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