How Does It Feel To Fall Out Of Love?

As sad as the notion may be, love doesn’t always last. No matter how intense the feelings are when you first fall in love with someone, it’s always possible to fall out of love with a partner eventually, even if...

What Is Anxiety?

If you’ve ever felt anxious, you’re not alone. Anxiety is your body’s natural response to stress. It’s a feeling of fear or apprehension about the unknown. Perhaps a job interview, giving a speech or going on a first date may...

What Is Codependency?

The traditional definition of codependency is a relationship that is focused on one person fixing and/or controlling another person resulting in their own lack of self-care. “If you are ok, I am ok”. Controlling, nurturing and maintaining the existence of...

What Is Depression

Many people may use the word depressed when they’re describing times when they’re feeling sad, low or down, especially during challenging or stressful moments. However, it’s normal to feel down when you’re going through a difficult time. Depression vs. Sadness:...

Common Relationship Problems: How To Resolve Them?

Both new and long-term relationships bring a fair share of challenges. Learning how to identify both relationship problems and solutions is one of the key steps to establishing emotional intimacy with your partner. However, revealing the underlying problem and coping...

Are You Repeating the Abandonment Cycle?

Healthy, loving relationships are a haven for love, happiness, joy, and security. But what if you find yourself moving from one relationship to another, or feel dissatisfied in your current relationship? Maybe you’re asking what’s the point of being in...

Conflicts in a Relationship: How Much Is Too Much?

Fighting is an integral part of any relationship, no matter how healthy it may be. However, if you and your partner keep butting heads without any kind of resolution, you may be wondering if staying in the relationship is the...

Restoring A Relationship After A Breakup

Sometimes, the best thing you can do in a relationship is to break up. Breakup is a harsh term for some, however, it is the universal term people use to describe ending a relationship.  Still, splitting up with someone doesn’t...

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