The Ambivalent In Relationship – Anxiety and Avoidance

When it comes to unhealthy relationships, the most common types of people are: those who desperately cling on out of unmet longing from childhood wounds (the Anxious), and those who avoid connection from being engulfed or feeling unsafe from childhood...

Disorganized Attachment: Characteristics & Effects

As a species, humans are “hardwired” to seek out and form relationships. It is our most basic instinct, a profound need, an existential imperative that defines us and sets up the foundation upon which we build our lives. In fact,...

Divorce & Attachment Styles: How It Affects Them

Your attachment style is formed at an early age and it’s mostly shaped by your parents and your relationship with them. Love, annoyance, compassion, avoidance, dedication, care, neglect, and anything in between contributes significantly to the substance of the attachments...

How To Develop A Healthy Attachment Style

Breaking away from your habits is rarely an easy undertaking. If you’ve ever tried to give up a  pattern of behavior, you know that it takes much more than just making a decision. The same may apply to a cycle...

Insecure Anxious Attachment

Struggling with jealousy, feeling insecure, and feeling nervous about being separated from your partner are all possible signs of anxious attachment. Rooted in childhood fear of abandonment and feelings of being underappreciated, anxious attachment can affect your adult relationships in...

How To Deal With An Anxious Or Avoidant Partner?

Have you been in a relationship where you feel that your partner is avoiding you by spending a lot of time at work, with friends or away from you? Maybe even when you're physically together, the person is distant and...

What Role Do Childhood Experiences Have in Adulthood?

When experiencing challenges in a relationship, have you ever thought: I need to leave because I feel overwhelmed? Or perhaps: I’ll do anything to know what is going on? Or maybe: I feel stuck in this relationship and don’t know...