Emotional Detachment in Relationships: What to Know

Relationships can be a rollercoaster of emotions, and it's okay to feel overwhelmed at times. You're not alone in this. Many people experience the highest highs and the lowest lows in their closest connections. For this reason, taking a brief...

Understanding Anxious Attachment Style in Relationships

Would it surprise you to learn that you have an anxious attachment style in romantic relationships? Or that attachment styles have their origins so early in life that you may not even be aware of them?  Understanding your attachment style...

Avoidant Attachment Can Feel Like Love Avoidance

On the surface, someone with an avoidant attachment style may seem independent, strong, and self-sufficient. They may seem like they aren’t ruled by emotions and tend to stay above the drama. However, in a relationship, an avoidant partner may be...

What Is Avoidance / Ambivalence Attachment?

For some individuals, thinking about being in a relationship can activate feelings of wanting to run away. Why? Because they feel that the needs of a partner, family member, or employer are overwhelming. Unfortunately, many individuals find themselves attracted to...

Attachment Style Quiz

Have you ever wondered why you fall head over heels for a new partner, go all-in on new friendships, or are a bit more guarded in how you approach these relationships? It’s all about your relationship attachment style! Take our...

Types of Attachment Styles in Relationships

What is your attachment style? The answer could be the key to your relationship patterns and habits. At PIVOT, we know people attach differently depending on who or what they attach to!  Most people have a common style. So, as...

Healing From Anxious Attachment

Embarking on a journey to overcome the effects of your most common attachment style is akin to navigating the intricacies of your own emotions, a pilgrimage towards self-discovery and emotional liberation. It’s a tender voyage through the recesses of the...

Anxious Attachment Style Explained

We all want to be loved, to feel valued, secure, and appreciated. We seek help, approval, and emotional response from our partners, family, and friends. We also fear losing someone’s love. Now, what if we experience these fears and needs...

Is Love Addiction a Real Thing

Since humanity became humanity, love has been a centerpiece around which everything we know revolves around. Arts, sciences, societies, cultures, every idea, every concept, every motion – they all came from an honest desire to enrich and better our lives....

Relational Freedom Can Feel Like A Secure Attachment

Attachment theory (Bowlby and Ainsworth) seeks to understand and trace the root origins and the dynamics of interpersonal relationships. These attachment traits take place across various domains, encompassing friendships, parent-child bonds, and romantic connections. Through the interplay of personality traits,...
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