Integrity In Relationships: Why It Matters

Reviewed by: Jennifer Plisko, LCSW

In order for an intimate relationship to be successful, some compromise is often necessary. When a relationship is based on fairness, open communication, and trust, both partners are likely to feel heard, valued, and secure. However, it is not uncommon for partners to miss the mark when trying to meet their partner’s needs and expectations, at the expense of their own. 

Although integrity may have different meanings for different people, it can be said that having integrity in a relationship means being able to adhere to your principles and values while treating your partner with due respect and consideration. While open cooperation in relationships can at times mean giving up some of your own wants and desires, it can cause conflict when important needs are being neglected.

If you or your partner struggle with maintaining integrity, learning to build trust in a relationship in a specialized retreat may provide you with the necessary insight and skills. In the meantime, read on to find out what integrity means in relationships and how you and your partner can achieve it.

Why Is Integrity Important In Relationships?

Integrity often entails vulnerability, honesty, and authenticity. It is based on respect and kindness that serve to maintain your own sense of worth and ensure the success of your relationship. While you don’t have to agree with your partner on all occasions, you can treat them with compassion and openness and learn to respect the differences. This may mean discussing important issues and making decisions together with your partner, while trying to accommodate their needs, as well as your own.

A relationship that lacks integrity, on the other hand, may involve keeping score, blaming, devaluing the other person’s needs, and bringing up past hurts. Instead, integrity may mean staying committed to resolving the problem at hand with kindness, humor, and compassion.

What Are Signs Of Integrity?

In the basic sense of the term, integrity means being honest and having strong moral principles. Individuals with integrity may show some or all of the following traits: 

  • Taking responsibility for one’s actions: an individual with integrity recognizes that their behavior has impacts on other people and is willing to adjust it. Keep in mind that this doesn’t mean pleasing everyone. Instead, it means that you strive to be the best person you can be, for yourself and others. 
  • Praising the successes of other people: when you have integrity, you don’t feel threatened by other people’s accomplishments. You help other people feel good about themselves, too instead of putting them down. 
  • Not using personal attacks in arguments: integrity means being able to stand your ground in an argument without finger pointing and name calling. You are able to understand both points of view and remain calm and collected when arguing. 
  • Willingness to listen: similarly, a person with integrity may rarely assume. Instead, they know that there often are at least two different sides to each story, and take their time to listen and ask questions before acting. 
  • Valuing the needs of others: integrity doesn’t mean sacrificing for others in a way that damages your own well-being. On the contrary, it usually means putting others first in a way that shows respect and dedication. 

How Does Integrity Build Trust?

What Are Signs Of Integrity

Integrity is key for building trust, both in ourselves and our relationships. You may build self-trust by evaluating your own behaviors in an effort to understand your principles and whether your actions are in tune with them. You can build trust in other people by observing how they behave and get to know their principles, too, and see how your principles match up. 

If you maintain integrity in a relationship, you can create a foundation of trust, enabling both yourself and your partner to feel valued and respected. This may enhance relationship satisfaction and longevity, especially if both parties are dedicated to building trust. 

How To Keep Your Integrity In A Relationship?

If you are worried about losing your integrity in a relationship, consider the following tips: 

  1. Share your values with your partner and make sure they understand what is important to you.

    This way, your partner may find it easier to respect your values, and you may also encourage them to speak about what matters to them, too. 

  2. Leave room for some alone time.

    This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to be exactly ‘alone’. Instead, it means having enough time to focus on your own hobbies or social activities, especially if you and your partner have few common interests.  

  3. Strive for honesty and trust.

    Trust and integrity tend to go hand in hand. A relationship that is based on honesty often entails a sense of integrity, as both partners feel like they can share their vulnerabilities with each other. 

  4. Keep your expectations in check.

     If you feel unhappy in your relationship, it may be the case that you are expecting too much or too little from your partner. You might be expecting your partner to respect your decisions without respecting their own, or your partner may not be as dedicated to making the relationship work as you are. 

  5. Attend a relationship retreat.

    If you’re struggling to maintain a steady relationship based on integrity and trust, reaching out to professionals may be exactly what you need. Coaching experts rely on tried-and-true practices to help you and our partner find common ground. 

Attend A PIVOT Couples Retreat For Deepening Your Relationship

How Does Integrity Build Trust

At PIVOT, we take a compassionate, holistic approach to helping individuals and couples achieve lasting relationship happiness. Through individual coaching designed to target your core wounds and highly focused retreats for couples, we can provide you with the resources and knowledge you need to heal and facilitate positive change in your life. 

If you are ready to take the first step towards achieving emotional equilibrium, make sure to get in touch with PIVOT. Our dedicated team can tailor your coaching experience to your unique needs and give you a chance to improve your wellbeing. Get in touch with us today and start working on a better you. 

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