PIVOTWorks December 2024

Lori Jean Glass headshot

Silent Nights and Sparky Lights

The holiday season is different for everyone. Some people come alive this time of year! It can be fun to indulge in all of the traditions that are unique to the holiday season. There is always something going on and something tasty to try. Other people experience tremendous pain these months, perhaps from grief and loss, challenging family dynamics, or even memories of holidays prior. For most, we tend to experience a little bit of both! Moments of joy and quiet moments of reflection. Luckily, we all have the ability to create a healthier holiday experience for ourselves.

christmas, snowman, red shovel

A Few of My Favorite Things

Here are a few things I’m inviting you to try this holiday
season to support yourselves during the weeks to come.

Bring Your Boundaries: Circle Boundaries are a trusty tool to use with the extra events you might be attending. A quick scan of the room with them in mind can help you
determine which topics and activities are best to share with whom, and also who you can pull aside for a quick break if you need one.

Call Your Goods: On that note, check in with your goods. If you want someone to share the joy with, call a Good! If you need support and are looking to share what’s going on for you, call a Good. These are your people, and they want to connect with you.

Expect and Respect Differences: Whenever more than one person gathers, there are bound to be differences. Sometimes our differences are frustrating and other times they offer intellectual experiences. Expect that you will encounter differences of both kind this season, to help yourself have appropriate expectations. Respect the differences you encounter, too. Put aside what you can for the time being and respect the different traditions and beliefs that happen during the holidays.

candle light and hands cupped around flame

Break Tradition: I shared on Healthier Hour this month that my mom used to always cook breakfast for us on Christmas Eve, so I carried the same tradition on with my kids. This tradition was so incredibly charged for me and opened the mom-sized hole I carry in my heart. I wanted to honor her, but I couldn’t make it through cooking without breaking down. My ex-husband eventually encouraged me to let that tradition go for my well-being and find other ways to remember her on Christmas. If it’s not bringing you joy, let it go.

Plan Ahead: The holiday season usually brings in crowds everywhere. This one is simple and important. Make time to take extra time and plan ahead when you can. The extra prep should keep things running a little smoother and closer to how you wanted the experience.

Make a Budget: It is tempting to shop all of the great deals this time of year. You can enjoy the giving spirit for others and yourself by making a budget in advance. Awareness of your finances will help keep you on track toward your goals. If you have a little extra spending money left, buy a little something for your Inner Child.

Create Your Peace: With all the hustle and bustle, a calming space in your home can offer just the right surroundings to end your day. Candles, soft music, and cozy blankets can be small luxuries that bring you peace. I have lights on a tree outside my bedroom window for a cozy look out at night before I fall asleep. Sweet dreams!

Take Care of Yourself: Self-care is one of the best gifts you can offer yourself. This can look like maintaining proper hydration and physical activity in between events. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or challenged, take a break. Enjoy all that you are able to while making some blocks of time that are just for you during the next few weeks. And remember how powerful a good night’s sleep can be!

My wish for your holiday season is that you remember that you have agency in your experiences. I know family dynamics can be challenging, and grief can be stronger this time of year. Be gentle with yourself and take care of yourself. And if you can allow yourself to, experience the joy that this season has to offer.

Wishing you warmth this December,

lori jean signature
  • Men’s Retreat 12/2-6
  • Healthier Hour 12/16
  • Women’s Retreat 12/16-20
  • Womens’s Retreat 1/6-10
  • Healthier Hour 1/20
  • Women’s Retreat 1/20-24

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