PIVOTWorks November 2024

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Uncertain Times Call for Certain Measures

Our Alumni Healthier Hour started with the intention of discussing how to use Circle Boundaries when navigating political conversations and quickly evolved into more. You’ll be able to read on for a refresher on some of our favorite tools and concepts and how they can help you. If you’re feeling anxious, overwhelmed, scared, etc. we understand.

child, teen, adult, and healthy adult aligned image

Start With Yourself

If you’re reading this newsletter and have done the PIVOT process, you have a relationship with your Healthy Adult and know how to access it. So, from your Healthy Adult, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are my current stress levels around the topics up for debate?
  • What is fueling my stress and/or anxiety?
  • What content or topics do I need to be mindful of consuming?
  • What am I listening to and how is it impacting me?
  • What am I watching and how is it impacting me?

Getting some clarity from the above questions is a great starting point for caring for yourself, while staying in your Healthy Adult.

Circle Up

Circle Boundaries offer users the ability to have a sense of who they are communicating with and have realistic expectations for that particular relationship. During times of uncertainty, an inner (a spiritual figure) might be a source of peace and strength for some. For others, spending time with a Good (reciprocal trust) can allow them a safe space to explore ideas and beliefs. Some people are comfortable discussing politics and other charged subjects with Semis, and others might want to bow out of the conversation.

pivot circle boundaries graphic

If someone is persistently trying to engage with you on topics you don’t want to discuss or aren’t interested in changing your stance on, they might need to shift into a new boundary space until you are ready to engage or they are ready to connect on other topics.

One of our favorite use cases for Circle Boundaries is our relationships with social media, internet sites, news platforms, and more. If political content stirs you up, you might want to try making social media and the news an Outer at night to prevent your sleep from being impacted.

All Of You

If you have a relationship with your different parts of self, a fair question to ponder is, “Which part of me is getting activated?” If you have a gentle Inner Child, that part might be overwhelmed by all of the debates and name-calling. If your Inner Teen is a justice warrior, that part might be passionate or become enraged by the agenda encouraged by those with beliefs that differ from yours. Maybe your adult is craving control and seeking it out by staying glued to the polls. Your parts might be pulling you in different directions, too. If you are able to make time to understand which part or parts are getting activated and why, you can make sense of what’s happening for you and what to do about it. Appropriate repairs are crucial for supporting yourself. Explore which repairs can help you in the moment, which ones you can use to prepare in advance, and the repairs you need to end your day.

This is not about not advocating for what you believe it! Go for it! Just an invitation to do it from your healthy adult so it doesn’t end up hurting YOU.

Self-talk during times of high stress, anxiety, and uncertainty can greatly impact how you’re feeling and showing up in the world. Naming your thoughts and feelings like, “This is causing me stress,” can be a quick way to get back into the present moment. Equally powerful can be a reassuring, “I am safe in this moment,” to remind yourself that even though the anxiety is real, you are physically safe where you are.

One of my favorite mantras when my anxiety builds up is, “I can be anxious and still take care of my responsibilities.”

I hope that you remember you have agency in the conversations and situations you are a part of. Showing up as Healthy as possible for yourself will help you manage and tolerate this very difficult time.

With Warmth,

lori jean signature
  • Women’s Retreat 11/4-8
  • Healthier Hour 11/18
  • Women’s Retreat 11/18-22
  • Men’s Retreat 12/2-6
  • Healthier Hour 12/16
  • Women’s Retreat 12/16-20

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© 2025 Lori Jean Glass, LLC | PIVOT