PIVOTWorks October 2021

Welcome to PIVOTWorks!

Welcome to the PIVOT community. A celebration of life. An opportunity to flourish. A journey to comfort and connect your mind, body, and spirit. I want to personally invite you to explore the premiere issue of PIVOTworks, our monthly e-newsletter designed to empower you with transformative tools to optimize the quality of your relationships – and your life. With over a decade of intensive research and development to perfect the PIVOT process, we now offer an array of customized and convenient options for individuals, couples, families, and business professionals.

A Peek Inside
Inside PIVOTworks you’ll discover our Speaking of Relationships column where I offer practical and potentially life-altering advice on a wide variety of relationship challenges. Our Spotlight section gives PIVOT coaches a platform to share what works, what doesn’t, and how to forge ahead in relationships with healthier behaviors. You’ll also hear from our clients and how they are incorporating the PIVOT process into their own lives. PIVOTworks is also the place to investigate the latest PIVOT offerings and programs, including our upcoming Hope & Healing retreat tailored to individuals in need of a safe place to grieve. We have quotes to inspire, encourage, and motivate.

Sometimes our words will make you smile. Sometimes they will make you laugh. And other times they might make you cry. But if you’re willing to put in the work, you will transcend your limitations. The PIVOT process helps you identify, restore, and repair relationship challenges that have adversely impacted the way you navigate your environment.

Hand on Heart
It is with an open heart that I invite you to join us. PIVOTworks is our way of saying thank you to all our clients, referents, and behavioral health professionals who share our vision to make the world a better place one relationship at a time. And, it all starts with our most important relationship… the one we have with ourselves.


lori jean signature

Lori Jean
Founder & CEO

Spotlight: PIVOT Coach Deb Reid

PIVOT’s Beauty Lies in its Ability to Transform Lives

“When I learned that the PIVOT curriculum was specifically geared towards helping individuals, couples and families gain emotional intelligence to reduce pain and shame, I was in. I was ready to do this. I wanted to be a PIVOT coach. And it has been a remarkable journey that never ceases to amaze me,” says PIVOT Coach Deb.

As a former ESL teacher, massage therapist, yoga teacher/therapist and now a PIVOT coach, Deb has been a teacher of some sort for over 35 years. “I became a teacher through following my heart. It was more of an intuitive decision rather than a concrete plan. Although I was painfully shy, I blossomed in front of a class. I love seeing the light turn on in people’s eyes – the light of new awareness, of understanding,” says Deb, who is also a Glass House Facilitator.

Back to the Future
Deb’s own path to heal from childhood trauma began at age 40, and she remains grateful for her now full life. However, she says there is no way to circumvent the hard work that’s required to heal. The PIVOT process, she explains, is based on developmental psychology and this structure allows us to become aware of why we do the things we do.  “It’s about what happened to us along life’s path, including all forms of trauma. Many people come to us with considerable shame, blame, and guilt because they have internalized messages that they are incapable, unworthy, unlovable, and simply not good enough.” To experience lasting healing, Deb explains that individuals must be educated in understanding how their past is still impacting their present choices – and how they can change this trajectory.

Each person, says Deb, comes to us with different levels of awareness. “Some people come to us already prepped from the extensive healing work they’ve done while other people come to us without having done any work whatsoever. We meet people where they are and guide them with insight and post-traumatic growth high-impact tools to gain a deeper understanding about why they make the choices they do.”

Up for the Challenge
Deb is inspired by people who take hold of their emotional lives and use the tools available through the PIVOT process to make better choices to lead their best lives yet. “It’s a blessing and a gift to watch individuals become more empowered and fulfilled. Although life’s challenges are inevitable, we can be better positioned with high-impact tools to negotiate these challenges.”

She appreciates the variety of PIVOT options, including one-on-one coaching, Relational Retreats, couples work, and even programs designed for business professionals. PIVOT has also recently introduced a pre-marital program that can also be tailored to couples who want to renew their vows. Deb is forever grateful to Lori Jean for introducing PIVOT, so individuals can drop into and through their challenges. “I admired Lori Jean from the moment we were introduced. I have grown to love her, to be inspired by her, to be mentored by her, and continue to be excited to work with and for her.”

The Bottom Line
The bottom line, says Deb, is that we practice relationships 24/7 either by default or with understanding and intention. “We provide people with what they need to gain self-knowledge and self-compassion to promote behavioral changes. This newfound emotional intelligence has the potential to interrupt and break generational cycles of abandonment and all kinds of abuse that can potentially harm individuals and families throughout their lives.”

Says Deb: “I admire the structure and fluidity of the PIVOT process and the fact that it is individualized to each person’s unique story and challenges. PIVOT keeps growing and evolving, becoming more perfected and effective all the time. It’s wonderful to witness the leaps in emotional intelligence individuals make when they utilize the powerful PIVOT tools presented to them.”

Speaking of Relationships:

Ask Lori Jean

I’ve been betrayed by my partner. Can I trust again?
Building back trust takes time and every situation is unique. Everyone’s resolution and comeback (or not) is going to play out differently. Until you thoroughly understand the why, it will be difficult to step into a place where you can even begin to build back trust. What I can tell you is most every couple I have worked with, where trust has been broken, the need to truly make sense out of why it happened is crucial to be able to move on.

This process begins with your partner doing their work to fully understand and articulate that all-important WHY.  Then, you need to do your part and engage in your own work, too.  If you are thinking of getting back together, it is important that you are able to work through the emotions and realities that surround your relationship trauma. It’s intense. It’s painful. I get it.

People betray their partners for a variety of reasons – and the reason needs to be fully explored and expressed before a couple can move forward (or not). Reasons for betrayal could be an old attachment wound that needs to be fulfilled; an inability to be alone; an inability to express their voice in the way of needs and wants in the relationship, and the list goes on. Unfortunately, the reason may also be that they just don’t give a s*@t. That last reason is a reason to leave – otherwise, it will most likely happen again. And, that is not always easy to do.  Children, finances, many things often get in the way of leaving – even if you know you need to.

If you don’t know the why, it will be hard – or even impossible – to forge ahead in a positive light that would create an environment to fully heal. Given the hurt you have experienced as the betrayed partner, it’s common to be bombarded with feelings of both anger and grief simultaneously. This duality can leave you spinning for a long time if not treated. That is why it is important to do your work too.

The beauty of doing this work together to come to a mutual agreement on why this happened is key to begin the healing journey. Doing your couple’s work in a private setting, like at the PIVOT Glass House, helps partners get underneath the why from all angles. The partner who was betrayed may blame themselves and his or her self-worth might be shattered. The partner who betrayed their beloved may be suffocating from their own guilt.  This reality is brutal.  It’s important to know that you are worthy of knowing the truth. Embrace the fact that your journey to healing can be transformative – and you don’t have to do it alone. We’re here to help.

Our Clients Say It Best:

“What I liked most about the Glass House Retreat is that the material initially looked so simple, yet it was actually extremely deep and complex. There was much more to the content than I imagined, and I left with new insights and tools that are already helping me move forward on my journey,” says Colleen, who signed up for the 5-day PIVOT Relational Retreat to work on her relationship with her adult children.

Colleen learned a lot more than she anticipated and left with even more self-care repair tools. “The work we did involving our inner child, adolescent, adult, and healthy adult allowed me to better understand my reactions and responses to all types of circumstances – and where they came from. I now take a step back, observe the people around me (including myself) and figure out why I get activated and react the way I do,” she adds.  “Then, I can PIVOT to healthier behavior!”

“Along with meeting as a group, I really appreciated the one-on-one sessions that allowed me to go deeper into my own work. From my experiences, I haven’t seen many programs or retreats offering individual sessions throughout the process.”

Colleen left the retreat with even more than she bargained for in the way of interacting with the people in her life. “While I came here to better my relationships with my children, everything I learned is helping me with all my relationships from business colleagues to other immediate family members to the people in my social circle. Through it all, I am developing a better relationship with myself.”


What’s Happening:

New Hope and Healing Retreat
In response to high client demand, we are excited to introduce our first-ever HOPE & HEALING WEEK Retreat presented by Cindy Finch, author of the Amazon bestselling book – Grief is GoodThis all-inclusive retreat, which will run from November 15 – 19, was designed to help individuals who have experienced loss and will explore the many facets of grief.

What you or someone you know can expect:

  • Drop into a safe place to express how you feel and be understood.
  • Identify the crucial aspects of your loss and how it’s impacting your life and impacting the people around you.
  • Address the unspoken emotion – all of it.
  • Identify the unique lessons you have learned through the process of loss.
  • Know what to hold on to, what to let go of, and what to continue to sort out.
  • Identify the meaning and purpose behind your losses.

If you have any questions about our upcoming HOPE & HEALING WEEK or have a friend/client who would benefit from coming, please give us a call today at 855-452-0707. Let’s connect!

Healthy Adult 2.0

If you have onboarded your Healthy Adult with a PIVOT coach and/or attended The Glass House Repair and Restore Relationship Retreat, we have great news!  We have launched our Healthy Adult 2.0 retreat for our alumni and now have new 2.0 modules to provide more Healthy Adult coaching through positive psychology and post-traumatic growth engagement!  Whoop whoop!  Join other like-minded “semis” who think better, feel better, and live better, as our tagline states.  Bet you some of those “semis” will become “goods!”

Healthy adult book

#Healthy Adult Book   
Coming soon:   
Revised version of LJ’s book in print and audible!

Celebrate You!

“Always remember that you are presented with a new opportunity to change the way you think and feel every single day. A diagnosis is not the sum total of who you are because you’re much more than a list of labels. Those labels do not define you. Celebrate you – all of you!” 

Lori Jean Glass

Start Now - Live Better!

The PIVOT Process will provide high-impact solutions to create healthy relationships.

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© 2025 Lori Jean Glass, LLC | PIVOT