PIVOTWorks September 2024

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Tick, Tick, Boom

Over the last month, I’ve spent time educating people on the concept of “emotional bombing” and what to do when someone throws one your way or how to pivot when you are the one firing them off. Our Healthier Hour for Alumni was well attended, and the topic, emotional bombing, was highly engaging and richly discussed!

At a high level, the term emotional bombing is similar to love bombing and is a form of emotional manipulation. When we use the term emotional bombing, it is not always a “love” connection that someone is trying to activate. It is also when someone discharges their emotions onto another person for various reasons, and the feelings are not coming from an emotional intelligent place. They’re often big and explosive, and typically a precursor to more controlling and abusive action, and that individual may later withdraw affection and become manipulative or abusive.

This behavior does not just happen in romantic relationships. It can also be displayed in friendships, employees, and parental relationships, where one parent uses excessive affection to alienate a child from the other parent.

Overall, emotional bombing is recognized as a harmful tactic that can lead to emotional and psychological distress for the victim, making it important to recognize the signs and maintain healthy boundaries.

woman who was emotionally bombed

You’re The Bomb

If you find yourself bombing others desperately needing the attention and result you want, the PIVOT can begin with a PAUSE. Awareness of our behaviors is the first step to changing them, followed quickly by taking accountability. When you can learn to catch yourself in the moment and respond in a healthy manner as opposed to reacting out of desperation, you have a much better outcome.

Catch and Release

When you’re on the receiving end of an emotional bomb, you’ll want to stop the urge to react and instead get into a space where you can respond. How you respond will depend upon where a person falls into your Circle Boundaries. If it came from an Outer or an Acquaintance, it’s fine to offer a quick thank you for the information and then remove yourself from the situation. These emotional bombs are not yours to explore with the person who dropped it.

With Semis, if it feels safe you can get curious with the individual around what has happened and then take your time to process whether or not your internal boundaries with them need to shift. Goods are the people you can address it with, ideally right away, or at least acknowledge what has occurred and a desire to revisit it again at a later time when you both are in a more neutral space.

Remember, you can always reach out to your coach about challenges like this! If you need help reconnecting with a coach, send Kayla an email (kayla@lovetopivot.com).

With it being an election year and the holiday season coming sooner than you think, now is the perfect time to put these skills into practice so you feel ready to use them when you need them.

With Warmth,

lori jean signature
  • Men’s Retreat 9/2-6
  • Healthy Adult 2.0 9/9-13
  • Healthier Hour (Zoom) 9/16
  • Women’s Retreat 9/23-27
  • Women’s Retreat 10/7-11
  • Healthier Hour 10/21
  • Women’s Retreat 10/21-25

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